
What is the Squeeze Test?

Moisture is an important component of the composting recipe! For fast, hot composting, ensure that your compost pile is significantly damp, but not too wet. A good rule of thumb is to aim for 45-55% ..

Where can I purchase a compost bin?

UCRRA’s Recycling Outreach Team offers a Spring Compost Bin and Rain Barrel Sale that features many different options for home compost bins and accessories, including tumblers, enclosed bins, vermicomposting bins, leaf storage, turning/mixing tools, and ..

What things should NOT be composted?

What can and cannot be composted may vary depending on whether or not you’re doing home composting or utilizing a local food scrap drop off program. The following guidelines are recommended for home composting. Always ..

Why should we compost?

Composting has many benefits! Food waste makes up 24% of the material buried in landfills. When food and other natural materials are landfilled, they break down anaerobically and off-gas methane, a potent greenhouse gas that ..

Am I required to compost?

New York State and Ulster County passed mandatory organics recycling laws the regulate large food scrap generators only. Residents are certainly encouraged, but not required, to compost under these laws. Learn more about these laws ..

What are browns and greens?

Master Composters know that the secret to fast, hot composting is a balanced recipe of browns and greens. Different plant materials will impart different physical or chemical qualities to the composting process, which is why ..

Can composting save money?

Yes! Because food waste makes up a large portion of the waste stream, composting can help reduce waste disposal costs. When combined with other waste reduction and recycling practices, these costs savings can be substantial. ..

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