The Ulster County Mandatory Source Separation and Recycling Law, Local Law Number 4 of 2010, establishes regulated recyclables materials and requires all persons in Ulster County (individuals, organizations, commercial businesses, institutions, haulers, etc.) to source-separate those materials for recycling. It is considered an unlawful act for any person to discard or fail to separate regulated recyclable materials. The Law establishes the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency as the solid waste planning unit for Ulster County, and gives UCRRA delegated authority to enforce the law, and gives UCRRA responsibility to manage the solid waste stream and implement reporting procedures to measure progress in achieving recycling goals.

If you have observed noncompliance with the Mandatory Recycling Law, please complete this form and the Resource Recovery Agency will conduct an investigation into your claim. All submissions are kept confidential. Your contact information is collected for the sole purpose of keeping you informed on any outcomes of the investigation. If you do not wish to be contacted by a staff member, simply leave the contact information spaces blank.

For questions about your pickup day or a missed pickup; contact your trash hauler directly.

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