UCRRA Ulster County Tiffin Project
The “Ulster County Tiffin Project” aims to increase community awareness about the impact of waste reduction and reuse as pollution prevention strategies. Tiffins are multi-tiered, reusable, metal food containers that replace wasteful, nonrecyclable to-go containers when dining out. The project addresses pollution prevention by providing residents with FREE reusable, stainless steel Tiffin containers that eliminate their single-use, disposable counterparts.
The Ulster County Tiffin Project will call on our community members to rethink waste through zero waste practices, resulting in improved public health and environmental conservation. Through innovative community engagement, participants in our Tiffin Project workshop series will learn about the amount of single use packaging waste generated from food service, the environmental harms and potential health harms associated with single use packaging, and those items most likely to become litter, and together we will celebrate the many benefits of reusable alternatives!
Join UCRRA in celebrating Plastic-Free-July and pledge to choose to reuse!
Attend any one of our FREE classes to claim your FREE Tiffin!
Class Schedule
All Upcoming Classes will be listed below. Click on an event photo below to navigate to the event page and RSVP for a class. Sign-up is strongly encouraged as class size for each event may be limited.
Special Thanks
The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) is sponsored by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation through the Environmental Protection Fund and led by the Golisano Institute for Sustainability (GIS) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).
Funding is provided by the Environmental Protection Fund as administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Any opinions, findings, and/or interpretations of data contained herein are the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions, interpretations or policy of Rochester Institute of Technology and its NYS Pollution Prevention Institute or the State.
Browse the resources created by this grant to experience the Tiffin Project!
Thank You to all our Project Partners!
This project would not be possible without the time, effort, and collaboration of our many community partners who have shown support for this project from the very start! Our Recycling Outreach Team sincerely thanks you for being our supporter as a venue location, a social media partner, a guest speaker, a tiffin distribution volunteer, or a business outreach partner.
New Paltz Climate Action Coalition & New Paltz Climate Smart Task Force
Shandaken Conservation Advisory Council & Shandaken Climate Smart Task Force
Citizens Concerned About Plastic Pollution
New Paltz Elting Memorial Library
Added August 2024:
Marbletown Environmental Conservation Commission and Climate Smart Task Force
SUNY Ulster County Community College
SUNY New Paltz