2023 Master Composter Master Recycler Certification Course
July 10, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
| Free2023 Master Composter Master Recycler
Volunteer Training & Certification Program
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays in July
UCRRA Main Office, 999 Flatbush Road Kingston NY
* alternate dates: Session 9 noted below*
About this Course:
This certification program is open to enrolled volunteers only. The Agency will provide 20 hours of professional development training in the form of ten 2- hour sessions at no charge to participants. Following this training course, volunteers are asked to complete 20 service hours per year. Interested persons should review the official Volunteer Description for more information. Then, complete a Volunteer Application and indicate if they’d like to be considered for our “fast track” option or if they’d like to work towards this Certification program. Participants must complete all classes in this series to receive MCR certification.
Application Deadline: Monday July 3rd
Course Details:
Session 1: Monday 07/10
MCR Orientation
Facilitator/Speaker: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
- Intro to UCRRA’s History, Mission, and Overview of Programs & Services
- What happens to our waste in Ulster County?
- Understanding the waste-climate connection
- Intro to the Recycling Outreach Team
- Volunteering with Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency
Session 2: Wednesday 07/12
Recycle Right!
Facilitator: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
Speakers: Tanesia White, UCRRA Recycling Educator & Kenneth Sickler, UCRRA Recycling Compliance Officer
- How to recycle in Ulster County
- What happens at the UCRRA MRF?
- What items can be recycled?
- What is wishcycling?
- Best practices for recycling (at Schools, Offices, Special Events, etc.)
- Ulster County Mandatory Recycling Law
- Other Special recycling programs
Session 3: Friday 07/14
Plastic Pollution & It’s Impacts
Facilitator: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
Speakers: Tanesia White, UCRRA Recycling Educator & Michael D’Arcy, Environmental Outreach Manager, Ulster County Department of the Environment
- What is plastic and how is it made?
- What is the scale of plastic production and pollution?
- What are the impacts of Litter, Marine Plastic, Microplastics, and Environmental Justice
- What Local Laws reduce plastic waste in Ulster County?
- How can we reduce plastic waste in our lives and communities?
Session 4: Monday 07/17
Household Hazardous Waste & Eco Friendly Alternatives
Facilitator/Speaker: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
Speaker: Tanesia White, UCRRA Recycling Educator
- What is Household Hazardous Waste?
- Intro to UCRRA HHW Program
- Paint Care NY Product Stewardship Program
- Other local options for HHW disposal
- What are safer alternatives to HHW?
- Eco-Friendly Home Demonstration
Session 5: Wednesday 07/19
Intro to Home Composting
Facilitator/Speaker: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
- What items can be composted?
- Balancing browns & greens
- Importance of air & moisture
- Comparing compost bins & methods
- Benefits and uses of finished compost
- Intro to soil health
Session 6: Friday 07/21
Advanced Composting Topics
Facilitator/Speaker: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
Speakers: Tanesia White, UCRRA Recycling Educator & Michael D’Arcy, Environmental Outreach Manager, Ulster County Department of the Environment
- How to compost in Ulster County
- Local & State Composting Laws
- Best practices for composting (in Schools, Offices, Events, etc.
- Indoor composting methods (Bokashi, Vermicomposting)
- UCRRA Organics Recovery Facility
- Compostable products; the good, the bad, the ugly
Session 7: Monday 07/24
UCRRA Policies You Need to Know!
Facilitator: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
Speakers: Amy Lopiano, UCRRA Chief Accounting Clerk
Session 8: Wednesday 07/26
Leadership Seminar
Facilitator/Speaker: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
Speakers: Tanesia White, UCRRA Recycling Educator
- Strategies for effective outreach and education
- Strengthening communication & Learning
- Teaching tips
- Working with youth
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Session 9: *Thursday 07/27 1PM-3PM
Tour the UCRRA or Special Projects Day 1
Facilitator: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
Session 10: Monday 07/31
Special Projects Day 2 (MCR Topics of Interest)
Facilitator: Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability

Accessibility: These classes will be held indoors at the UCRRA Main Office, except for the facility tour date noted in the schedule which will be an outdoor walking tour. Accessible parking is available approximately 20 feet from the main entrance (please note there are no automatic doors at this building). Accessible, gender neutral bathrooms are available. Use of face masks are not required indoors, but may be encouraged. We strive to offer equal program opportunities to the best of our capabilities. Please contact Angelina Brandt, Director of Sustainability, at APEO@UCRRA.ORG or 845-336-3336 to discuss any accommodations.