Intro to Composting (Ellenville Library)
September 19, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Intro to Home Composting
Tuesday, September 19th 2023
6:00-7:30 PM
Ellenville Public Library
Home composting is a great way to manage food scraps like fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, stale bread, and other scraps or spoiled foods so they don’t go to waste! This free workshop is designed for new/beginner composters looking to get started with either outdoor or indoor composting. The class will introduce the importance and benefits of composting and the principles of how to do it correctly (balancing browns and greens, maintenance tips for mixing and detering pests, etc). Then, participants will learn basic pros and cons when comparing different compost bins. This class will cover indoor composting methods like vermicomposting and bokashi.
This class will be offered in person at the Ellenville Public Library, hosted by the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency Recycling Outreach Team.
TO SIGN UP: Please pre-register for this class at the link here. Walk-ins may also be welcome as seating allows, but registration is strongly encouraged.