Intro to Home Composting (Esopus Library)
May 15, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
| Free“Intro to Home Composting”
Monday, May 15th 2023
2:00-3:30 PM
Esopus Public Library
128 Canal Street Port Ewen NY 12466

Accessibility: This event will take place indoors at the library. The facility has many ADA compliant features including accessible parking, ramp access, etc. Please note: the use of face masks is not required at the Library.
We strive to offer equal program opportunities. Educational resources in Spanish are available by request. If you require any special accommodations or have questions about this program, please contact Angelina Brandt, Director of Sustainability, at APEO@UCRRA.ORG or 845-336-0600.
We’re Celebrating Compost Awareness Week!
About ICAW: International Compost Awareness Week is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry. It’s celebrated nationwide, internationally, and officially across New York Stare each year during the first full week of May. The goal of ICAW is for communities everywhere to raise public awareness about the many benefits of composting and how to make and use compost to regenerate soils. Visit the New York Compost Awareness Week page for more information about local programs, events, and initiatives.
2023 Theme: For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food…Compost! Each year, a new theme for ICAW is chosen. The 2023 theme was chosen based on a serious world-wide issue that every nation, unfortunately, experiences: hunger. As part of the ICAW committee’s global discussion with our international partners around the world, we spoke the same language, and all wanted to promote a unified theme – aligning a topic important to each country while emphasizing our work with compost. The chosen 2023 theme best reflects the goal of focusing on how compost can have a role in helping feed the world, by making our soil healthier which produces healthier food. How does compost help? By recycling organics into compost and using it on our farmlands we create healthy soils that produce healthier food and higher yields. It also reduces the need for fertilizer and pesticides, improves water quality and conserves water, as well as stores carbon in soil – helping to reduce climate change. Compost not only helps the environment but also helps to decrease food shortages experienced around the world. For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food…Compost!
This year’s winner of the ICAW 2023 Poster Contest is Jun Qi Tan, an illustrator and storyteller from Singapore.