Recycling Bingo for Kids! (Highland Public Library)
March 27, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Highland Public Library
14 Elting Place, Highland, NY 12528
How does recycling paper, plastic, and metal benefit the environment? Why is it important to recycle correctly? How does recycling benefit the oceans? Join our Recycling Educator, Tanesia White for a game of bingo, with each bingo call revealing a fun, interesting fact!
This class will be held at the Highland Public Library. Participants will learn about environmental protection, the various types of recyclable items, and other interesting sustainability facts! Prizes will be awarded to all participants, with special prizes reserved for the top winners! This FREE workshop is appropriate for children aged seven and up, and parental supervision is encouraged.
Registration required!
TO SIGN UP: https://highlandlibrary.libcal.com/event/11993724
Accessibility: The parking lot in front of the building has accessible parking. From the parking lot to the sidewalk, there is a wheelchair accessible ramp. The front door opens automatically upon entry and the library is all one level. The event will take place in the conference room which is easily accessible from the library and includes a hearing loop for those with hearing aids. Unless you are sick, masks and social distancing are not required.
We strive to offer equal program opportunities. Educational resources in Spanish are available by request. If you require any special accommodations or have questions about this program, please contact Tanesia White, Recycling Educator, at TWHI@UCRRA.ORG or 845-336-3336.