What can and cannot be composted may vary depending on whether or not you’re doing home composting or utilizing a local food scrap drop off program. The following guidelines are recommended for home composting. Always check with your drop off site if someone else does the composting for you!

Not all organic wastes will break down completely or safely in a backyard composting system. Home composters (and especially beginner composters) should avoid certain items that may be more problematic.

Garden Wastes: Diseased plants, chemically-treated plants or grass clippings, weeds with weed seeds, etc. should be avoided in backyard composting.

Kitchen Wastes: Butter, fats, cooking oils, meats (cooked or raw), bones, fish scraps, milk or dairy products, salad dressing, cooked foods with excessive oils/sauces, seeds, dishwater, etc. should be avoided in backyard composting.

Animal Manures: Cat, dog, bird manures or cat litter bedding should be avoided in backyard composting.

Other: Ashes/coal, treated/painted wood, colored mulch products, waxed cardboard, glossy paper, paper towels with cleaning chemicals, compostable packaging should be avoided in backyard composting.