UCRRA Sustainable Materials Management (2024)
March 1st 2025
Blog by Angelina Brandt, UCRRA Director of Sustainability
Did you know that the average American generates 4.4 lbs. of trash each and every day? Much of what we “throw away” can be managed more sustainably. At UCRRA, we strive to manage waste with a focus on resource conservation, which is why we aim to use materials in the waste stream for their highest and best uses. Our dedicated staff helps us achieve this mission by ensuring that valuable materials (like scrap metal) or sensitive wastes (like devices that contain refrigerant) are diverted before reaching their final disposal destination, the Seneca Meadows Landfill. Along with dual stream recycling, composting, electronics recycling, and our safe disposal programs, UCRRA diverts tens of thousands of pounds of materials away from the landfill each year. We’re thrilled to share these achievements from last year, in hopes it can inspire more community members to join us in rethinking waste. With your help, we can all do our part to protect public health and the environment by first reducing waste as much as possible!
In addition to our recycling and composting programs, last year, we recovered and diverted over 1,800 tons (3.7 million pounds) from our transfer station!
3,723 appliances containing Freon refrigerant, which contained; 145 lbs of R134, 927 lbs. of R22, 1,431 lbs. of R410
2,230 fluorescent light bulbs containing mercury
3,932 tires (all sizes) or 45.30 tons (90,600 lbs)
590.03 tons (1,180, 060 pounds) of scrap metal
751.08 tons (1,502,160 pounds) of concrete, rock, and rubble
45.56 tons (91,120 pounds) of electronic waste
280.91 tons (561,820 pounds) of clean, compostable wood waste
151.30 tons (302,600 pounds) of corrugated cardboard
0.88 tons (1,760 pounds) of food
395 automotive batteries
117 propane tanks
Our dedicated staff ensured these items were separated from incoming trash! To find better recycling solutions near you, visit our Recycleopedia and browse recycling options and alternatives!
When we properly separate recoverable items, it
- Keeps our essential workers safe from hazardous materials and hazardous conditions
- Improves the efficiency of the overall solid waste system
- Reduces solid waste requiring disposal
In 2024, we recycled 5,303 tons (10.6 million pounds) at our Materials Recovery Facility!
476 tons (952,000 pounds) of plastic and metal containers
411.80 tons (823,600 pounds) of glass containers
1,774.89 tons (3,549,780 pounds) of mixed paper
1,745.51 tons (3,491,000 pounds) of corrugated cardboard
The Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency recycled 297,380 pounds (148 tons) of plastic beverage bottles (#1) last year. That’s the equivalent weight of 12 full size 72 passenger school buses! UCRRA recycled 178,900 pounds (89.45 tons) of plastic jugs (#2) last year. That’s the equivalent weight of 35 small African elephants! Plastic food tubs are also highly recyclable; UCRRA recycled 116,820 pounds (58.41 tons) of plastic tubs (#3-7) last year. Thank you for recycling!
When we recycle, it
- Reduces solid waste requiring disposal
- Conserves natural, non-renewable resources
- Protects ecosystems from habitat destruction
- Saves significant amounts of water and energy
- Keeps our neighborhoods clean and beautiful
- Creates a more sustainable and circular economy
Residents of Ulster County can recycle curbside or they can use their local Town Transfer Station. Please contact us to request recycling bin stickers, posters, or other tools to help encourage recycling at home, at school, at work, or in the communities we serve.
In 2024, we composted over 7,200 tons (14.4 million pounds) of natural materials and produced 4,332 tons (8,600+ cubic yards) of finished compost!
4,975.39 tons (9,950,780 pounds) of food scraps
985.08 tons (1,970,160) of clean wood and yard waste
1,254.57 tons (2,509,140 pounds) of wood chips
11.21 tons (22, 420 pounds) of animal mortalities (deer carcasses)
When we compost food scraps and other natural plant materials, it
- Greatly reduces the amount of green house gases (Methane) generated at landfills
- Inspires more conservation practices around our food system and wasteful habits
- Recycles organic materials into compost, which has many benefits;
- Compost improves soil health, aids in storm water management, moisture retention, weed suppression, improves the soil’s physical structure which reduces erosion, and has many other benefits!
At our Annual Spring Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Sale last year, we helped 92 families to start composting with confidence! Residents also took advantage of our online pre-order sale, and 49 compost bins and 41 rain barrels were purchased! Our 2025 Spring Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Sale will be back up and running soon! Mark your calendar for our bin distribution event (to pick up your pre-order) will be Saturday, May 17th 2025.
Residents of Ulster County can compost at home or they may utilize a local food scraps drop off program. Commercial businesses or organizations can become a Partner in our Composting Program, or take advantage or other local composting services. Please contact us for more information about how to compost at home, at school, or at work.
Did you know? Biosolids are now recycled instead of landfilled!
Biosolids are the semi-solids or solid materials resulting from treatment of wastewaters from sewage treatment plants. In previous years, Biosolids delivered to the Agency were exported for final disposal at the Chemung County Landfill in Elmira, NY. In December 2020, the Agency started working with Denali Water Solutions LLC for the transport and disposal of all Municipal Sewage Sludge at the Rockland County Compost Facility in Hillburn, New York, a permitted, NYSDEC regulated composting facility.
On their website, the Rockland County Solid Waste Management Authority states:
“The bio-solids are mixed with clean wood waste and then composted. The finished product is an excellent soil amendment for use on golf courses, flower gardens, and landscaping projects. The Facility is a state-of-the-art in-vessel agitated bin composting plant that processes clean brush, wood waste, bio-solids (sludge), and other organic residues in the production of exceptional quality compost. The Facility is operated by WeCare Organics under contract to the Authority. It is located adjacent to the Authority’s Materials Recovery Facility and Transfer Station in Hillburn, NY.”
The Agreement with WeCare/Denali is a critical partnership to the Agency’s vision to maximize resource recovery, as the new biosolid diversion program accounts for about 3% of the total waste stream managed by UCRRA.
In 2024, we recycled 109 tons (218,364 pounds) of electronic devices!
46,760 lbs. of televisions
60,890 lbs. of computers and computer peripherals
110,714 lbs. of other small electronic devices
When we recycle electronics, it
- prevents pollution in our landfills from toxic substances like lead, mercury, and cadmium
- recovers precious metals such as aluminum, copper, silver, and gold
- protects environmentally sensitive areas from being mined for raw materials
- protects global communities that are vulnerable to environmental injustices
- protects water and soil resources from being polluted by heavy metals
Our FREE electronics recycling program is seasonal, offered every Saturday, April-November. Please do not drop off electronics to unattended areas outside of our scheduled collection times. During the off-season, residents can take advantage of other available e-waste recycling programs. Check our Recycleopedia for more details!
With your help, we diverted 87,700+ pounds of hazardous waste in 2024!
33,450 lbs. paint
17,900 lbs. flammable liquids
11,400 lbs. pesticides
10,146 lbs. of acids, caustics, ammonia, and aerosols
2,740 lbs. of fluorescent lamps
12,300 lbs. of epoxy, resins, and adhesives
Our vendor, Clean Harbors, is North America’s leading provider of environmental and industrial services. Clean Harbors provides collection, packaging, transportation, recycling, treatment, and disposal services at over 100 company-owned recycling, incineration, landfill, wastewater, or other treatment facilities. All materials collected are chemically neutralized, treated, and safely disposed in the most environmentally-responsible way possible.
When we properly manage toxic household materials and chemicals, it
- Creates a healthier and safer home by minimizing harm associated with mishandling and storing old chemicals
- Protects water, land, and air resources
- Promotes community values that enhance environmental protection
Our FREE household hazardous waste collection program resumes in Spring 2025. Please visit our webpage and check back frequently for updates as we prepare for another successful program year.