Waste Reduction is one of UCRRA’s 7R’s to Rethinking Waste! Shopping in bulk helps reduce packaging waste because shoppers can bring and refill their own reusable containers, and purchase the exact amount of goods that they need, which also reduces food waste.

In 2022, the New Paltz Climate Action Coalition began an initiative to address single use plastic waste and encourage local residents to bring their own reusable containers to area restaurants, launching “The Tiffin Project.” Tiffins are multi-tiered metal food containers that replace wasteful, non recyclable to-go containers. New Paltz Climate Smart Taskforce & New Paltz Climate Action have launched a long-term Tiffin campaign to help decrease the use of disposable containers when dining out/taking home food in the Hudson Valley.

The New Paltz Climate Action Coalition then created a “My Plastic Alternatives” (M.A.P.) Use this interactive google map linked below to find plastic-free, package-free, and/or responsible package shopping and takeout dining locations (“tiffin-friendly”) in the Hudson Valley. The map has two “layers” that will display stores where you can shop as well as restaurants where you can bring a reusable “tiffin” for takeout dining. 


This M.A.P may be subject to change and UCRRA does not maintain this M.A.P. or guarantee the accuracy of the information presented therein. If you’d like to suggest edits to the MAP, or want to learn more about the Tiffin Project, please contact  newpaltzmap@gmail.com!

About New Paltz Climate Action Coalition

Founded in 2007, NPCAC is a volunteer organization that energizes people about the causes/consequences of climate change through education and outreach and by providing community members with measures that help decrease their role in the climate crisis. Please contact newpaltzclimateaction@gmail.com to get involved. 

About New Paltz Climate Smart Task Force

Climate Smart Communities is a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation led project which aims to help municipalities and communities across New York to lower Greenhouse Gas emissions and minimize the risks of climate change through mitigation and adaptation. Please contact janellepeotter@gmail.com to volunteer of learn more.