Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Rethink
July 13, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
| Free
Plastic Free July: Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Rethink!
We can drastically reduce the amount of single-use disposable plastics in our lives: at home or at work, at school, and on-the-go – and it all starts with rethinking our shopping habits! There are plastic alternatives to almost all of the common items we buy, consume, and then discard, and simple swaps and new habits can help avoid needless packaging and lessen our impact on our environment. Learn how to become a climate smart shopper, save money, and reduce your waste by developing new habits, rethinking consumption, and using individual choices to affect systemic change. Woodstock Bring Your Own Store is a community resource and Alex Bolotow is the featured speaker in this webinar, part of UCRRA’s Zero Waste Seminar Series celebrating Plastic Free July.
Alex Bolotow, Woodstock Bring Your Own Store
Angelina Peone, Director of Sustainability at Ulster County Resource Recovery
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