The Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency DOES NOT provide delivery of the compost.
Below is a list of compost delivery companies:
Affordable Dumpster & Delivery Service
Attn: William Whittaker
16 Mower Mill Road
Saugerties, NY 12477
Rolling Meadows Landscaping & Handyman Services
Attn: Gerry Tschinkel
Spinnenweber PFV, LLC
Attn: Jack Spinnenweber
79 Old Route 9W
Port Ewen, NY 12466
(845) 331-7473 ext. 1001 & 1005
Upstate Mobile Dumpsters, LLC
Attn: Christopher Ader
9 Grandmour Drive
Red Hook, NY 12571
If you would like to be added to the list of providers for compost delivery; please email In the email, please provide the name of the business, contact information, and that you would like to be added to the compost delivery list.
The following disclaimer applies to UCRRA’s listing of compost delivery companies, which is being done solely as a service to UCRRA’s customers:
- UCRRA is neither recommending nor endorsing any of the listed compost delivery companies (the “Providers(s)”).
- UCRRA is solely an advertiser of the Provider’s services and the inclusion of the Provider on the listing is solely an advertisement, and not an endorsement, of the Provider’s services.
- UCRRA has not vetted or evaluated the Providers; UCRRA is merely providing this information to residents who may find it helpful in connecting with companies and individuals who have expressed a willingness to provide compost delivery for residents for a cost to be responsible for the accessibility or availability of any Provider.
- The cost for the compost delivery service to a resident’s home is to be solely coordinated between the Provider and resident; UCRRA will play no role in that financial transaction.
- UCRRA does not accept any liability in connection with the compost delivery company and has not placed any insurance or reference requirements on the Providers as a condition of being included on the list.
- The resident should make whatever investigation or inquiries that the resident deems necessary or appropriate before engaging any Provider.
- UCRRA is not responsible or liable for any advertising, products, goods, or services available or unavailable from, or through, any Provider. A resident’s dealings with any Provider, and any other terms, conditions, representations, or warranties associated with such dealings, are between the resident and the Provider and do not involve UCRRA. UCRRA is not responsible for a resident’s interactions and dealings with Providers. The Provider is solely responsible for the provision of services to the residents and for any and all injuries, illnesses, damages, claims, liabilities, losses, and costs, it may cause the resident to suffer, directly or indirectly, in full or in part.